The renovation of the architectural concept and institutional image of the brand has been in charge of Molinari Arquitectos Asociados, an architecture office from Chile. Projects include new, remodeled and expanded supermarkets.

Our team supports throughout the entire project, from code advising in the first stages of distribution and conceptual design, coordination with the different specialists during the development of the project, preparation and management of municipal files, until the obtaining of construction permits.

We are also in charge of architectural supervision during construction, making sure the materials and finishes installed comply with the project specifications. Additionally, design adjustments due to the client’s request or any unforeseen event detected on site are evaluated and resolved in coordination with the office in Chile. This follow-up during construction allows us to guarantee a quality product, with functional buildings adapted to the management’s operating and maintenance areas, as well as providing a comfortable experience for customers.


Project Info:

Architecture: Molinari Arquitectos Asociados
Local Architecture: Shell Arquitectos
Client: InRetail / SPSA

Tipology: Supermarket / Retail / Mall / Commerce

Molinari Arquitectos Asociados: Miguel Molinari, Daniel Loader, Macarena Hidalgo, Verónica Valle, Sofía de la Herrán, Rodrigo de la Barra, Patricio Correa.

Shell Arquitectos: Alejandro Shell, Rafael Mispireta, Carlos Yagui, Anna Barrón, Pamela Higa, Ricardo Cisneros, Claudia Vásquez, Andrea Cruzalegui, Carlos Terry, Fiorella Crispin.

Plaza Vea Dasso

Location: San Isidro, Lima-Perú
Project Status: Construction Completed

Project Area: 9,275.00 sqm

Structure: Julio Rivera Feijoo
MEP: Aitec
Safety and Evacuation: Aitec

Project Management: Aitec

Contractor: G&G


Plaza Vea Caminos del Inca

Location: Santiago de Surco, Lima-Perú
Project Status: Construction Completed

Project Area: 11,732.60 sqm

Structure: Higashi Ingenieros
Plumbing & Electrical: SKF Ingeniería E.I.R.L.
HVAC: HVAC Consulting S.A.S.

Licht: Claudia Paz

Project Management: Aitec

Contractor: HV


Plaza Vea Puruchuco

Location: Ate, Lima-Perú
Project Status: Construction completed

Project Area: 11,050.57 sqm

Structure: Blanco Ingenieros
Plumbing: Javier Dávila
Electrical: MQ Ingenieros
HVAC: HVAC Consulting

Safety and Evacuation: ESSAC

Lighting: Pamella Phang

Project Management: Thiessen

Contractor: LTA Ingenieros


Plaza Vea Sucre

Location: Pueblo Libre, Lima-Perú
Project Status: Construction Completed

Project Area: 13,420.00 sqm

Structure: Higashi Ingenieros / Norton E.I.
Plumbing: Equipo G
Electrical: SKF Ingeniería E.I.R.L.
HVAC: Gutiérrez Castillo Ingenieros

Safety and Evacuation: Eddie Tafur

Lighting: Patricia Asca

Project Management: SICGSAC

Contractor: Rio Bravo


Ilo Plaza Center Mall

Location: Ilo, Moquegua-Perú
Project Status: Construction completed

Área del proyecto: 19,031.73 sqm

Structure: José Antonio Terry
MEP: Sigral

Safety and Evacuation: FBM Consultoría y Proyectos

Project Management: Sigral

Contractor: DVC


Puente Piedra Plaza Center

Location: Puente Piedra, Lima-Perú
Project Status: Construction completed

Project Area: 13,350.06 sqm

Safety and Evacuation: FBM Consultoría y Proyectos

Structure: Higashi Ingenieros
Plumbing: BS Ingeniería
Electrical: MQ Ingenieros
HVAC: Gutiérrez Castillo Ingenieros

Lighting: Claudia Paz

Project Management: Sigral

Contractor: Inarco


Lurín Plaza Center Mall

Location: Lurín, Lima-Perú
Project Status: Construction completed

Área del proyecto: 15,971 sqm

Structure: Higashi Ingenieros
MEP: Dechini

Safety and Evacuation: FBM Consultoría y Proyectos

Lighting: Patricia Asca

Project Management: Dechini

Contractor: Huarcaya


Plaza Vea Collique

Location: Comas, Lima-Perú
Project Status: Project Completed / Construction Permits

Project Area: 5,301.18 sqm

Structure: Iván Izquierdo / Norton E.I.
Plumbing: Melanio Quezada / César Díaz

Electrical: Jorge Rodríguez / Luis Román
HVAC: Jorge Nakamura

Safety and Evacuation: P&R

Lighting: Pamella Phang

Project Management: IPC / Thiessen